


The method by which a solution with a certain concentration is added to another solution to complete the chemical reaction between two
dissolved substances is called titration.

Titration is one of the volumetric analysis methods. In volumetric analysis, the object is first dissolved and a certain volume of its 
solution is measured with another solution whose concentration is known, which is called the standard solution. In titration, a standard
solution is slowly added from a burette to a solution containing a specific volume or weight of solute.

The increase of the standard solution continues until its amount is equal to the amount of the dissolved substance. Equivalence point is 
the point where the amount of added standard solution is chemically equal to the desired volume in the unknown solution. This point is
also called the theoretical end point or equivalence point.

Titling method

In the process of titration, the standard solution is added from a burette to the solution whose concentration is to be measured, 
and this process continues until the chemical reaction between the standard solution and the titrant is complete. Then, using the
volume and concentration of the standard solution and the volume of the titrant solution, they calculate the concentration of the
titrant solution

An example
Equivalent point in the process of titrating NaCl with titrated silver is determined when, for each formula weight of -Cl in the medium,
one weight of the formula +Ag has entered the working medium, or in the titration, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
point Equivalence occurs when two formula weights of acid and two formula weights of base enter the working environment.

Equivalence point detection
The equivalence point is known in practice by a physical change (for example, a color change). The point at which this color change
occurs is the end point of titration. In acid and base titration, identifiers are used to determine the time to reach the equivalence
point. The color change of the reagent indicates the end point of the titration.
Types of titling
According to the reactions that take place between the solution to be titrated and the standard, volumetric analyzes (titration) are 
divided into two categories: Methods that are based on the composition of ions. That is, the change of capacity does not take place in the interactions related to
it. These methods include: Neutralization reactions or acid and base reactions, precipitation reactions Reactions that produce complex compounds.
methods that are based on electron transfer; such as oxidation and reduction reactions
Titration of acid and base reactions or neutralization
Titration is the determination of the amount of acid or base in a solution, which is done by gradually increasing a base to a certain 
concentration or vice versa. When a base solution has -OH ions added to an acid solution, the neutralization reaction takes place: OH- + H3O+ -----> 2H2O

Usually, a specific volume (V) of an acid solution with an unknown normality (N) is chosen, and with the help of a graduated burette,
a base solution with a specific normality (N) is gradually added to it. The neutralization process is complete when the amount of
equivalent grams of base consumed is equal to the amount of equivalent grams of acid in the solution.

In order to carry out the titration process accurately, the process of increasing the open solution should be stopped just when the
above equality is established. The usual and universal method to determine the end of titration is to use identifiers. The pH meter
device is also used for accurate calculations in determining the equivalence point.


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